Wingshooting Enthusiasts . . ."Shotgunner's Guide to Waterfowling - Here's how to consistently hit the 5 most common shots in duck and goose hunting" by Wade Bourne is an excellent article! Mr. Bourne "rounded up five of the nation's foremost shooting pros and sought their wisdom on how to consistently hit some of the most commonly encountered—and missed—shots in waterfowling." Daniel Schindler, Master Sporting Clays and Wingshooting Instructor appreciates being included as one of the pros.…/S…/Shotgunners-Guide-to-Waterfowling…

At the shrill of the whistle, the spaniels ease to a stop. Everyone's heart beats a little faster anticipating the flush. The guns are up! A stir of wings......there's the shot. Feathers floating gently in the breeze are a parting present, the last reminder of a splendid shot and a clean harvest. Pheasant retrieved to hand, it's hard to say who's happier, you or your 4-legged companion.
On the family farm or Plantation, in the marsh blinds, or a driven shoot on the shooting grounds in Spain or England, bird hunting is a noble sport whose traditions run deep all the way back to the first fowling pieces. A joy to report, bird hunting is alive and well in America. Along with all the traditions comes safety and a much-appreciated etiquette. These customs are every bit as important as demonstrating capable gun handling skills.
Dan Schindler has spent many wonderful years in the timber, corn and wheat fields, pursuing quail, chukar, pheasants, doves, ducks and geese. Visible respect for the guns, game and every member of the hunting party is rightfully expected and should be understood by all who participate.
In a very relaxed atmosphere, Dan can introduce you to the basics of Wingshooting so you can be comfortable stepping into the hunting crowd for the very first time. He'll patiently cover proper equipment handling, safety, etiquette, and all your Guide and hunting partners expect of you. Wingshooting skills are basically inherent in all of us, requiring less formal training and more awareness of our natural shooting instincts. Dan will help you refine those instincts into your very best Wingshooting. Compliment your new skills with the basic safety rules and you're ready to follow the dogs and Guide into the hunt of a lifetime. If you are a more experienced wing shooter who wishes to be a better shot but are not sure how, time spent with a Dan can help - immensely.
There is no better place to be than with friends or family behind a great dog in the field. A little help with your Wingshooting skills and learning proper etiquette will go a long way to making this day afield a memorable and safe hunt. Dan's Wingshooting students are more confident, more at ease and more skilled. New shooter or experienced, we'd be happy to show you how to put more birds in your vest, safely and with style.
Important Considerations for anyone taking lessons from any Instructor!
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