Dan Schindler's Blog
The Perfect Shotgun
How I Miss You, Let me Count the Ways

Here are two compelling reasons why owning the perfect shotgun is crucial, and it's essential not to confuse these motivations.Personally, I take pride in my exceptional gear, particularly my meticulously assembled shotgun, a testament to quality craftsmanship by S&S in Polson, Montana. The custom stock, courtesy of Mike Lupold, reflects unparalleled dedication, resulting in a firearm that has justified every investment. My commitment to excellence stems from a priority on achieving high scores, underscoring the irreplaceable role confidence in our equipment plays in success.Transitioning to a broader discussion about gear and expectations, analogous to the world of golf, one often ...

Nothing But The Truth
How I Miss You, Let me Count the Ways

Step by planned step, do you know how to move your shooting forward? Performance and scores…measurable, noticeable improvement, in the box and on your scorecard? Is consistency replacing inconsistency? If not, you may wish to consider finding a competent coach to guide you. Keep in mind…when student improvement is the stated goal…the most important mission for all clay target instructors is to teach their students the required fundamentals. Why? So…after the lesson(s)… the student can continue to improve their game, on their own, at home, when their instructor isn’t standing behind them.  Wasn’t that the goal? The purpose of the ...

Truths, Myths & Everything Else
How I Miss You, Let me Count the Ways

Welcome. Nice to see you here again.This article humbly offers you some lessons I’ve learned and some Truths. These Truths have come to me out of decades of intense study, serious competition, and teaching experience. Hard-earned experiences, learned first-hand, in the shooting box, on the trigger with teachers and scorekeepers behind me and behind my students whom I’ve had the privilege of working with over the last three decades.“The truth is like a lion;you don’t have to defend it.Let is loose:it will defend itself.”- Augustine of Hippo From those experiences, my students are shown what works and what doesn’t. Specifically. Just as important, if ...

Miss Understood
How I Miss You, Let me Count the Ways

One simple, deceptive target presentation…explains a thousand misses.It’s been some years now; I’d just come home from the NC State shoot where Chuck Frasier got an A+ for outsmarting us. Standing in the box, I distinctly remember telling myself not to shoot that target right “there.” Did I remember to follow those instructions? The truth is, I just forgot. It looked so good right “there” I couldn’t help myself. I crushed the first bird, smiled, and casually turned to intercept the second. And there it was, right on schedule. So, I moseyed up to it with my “never-fail” move and watched myself shoot right over the top of it! Chuck ...

Cheating The Basics
How I Miss You, Let me Count the Ways

Welcome. Nice to see you here. This article is dedicated to my mentors, Peter and Wendy Crabtree. They both served as esteemed instructors at the prestigious West London Shooting School, with Peter later assuming the role of NSCA Chief Instructor. I'd like to extend a special note to Wendy: any mis-telling is on me. I chose the name Ron, an alias for our story and student here. Ron agreed to my telling his story…I asked. This may touch a chord in your shooting.I was visiting Wendy at the Meadows outside of Atlanta, enjoying the warm Georgia sun, chilled sweet tea, and good company, when Wendy's student, Ron, walked in. We shook hands, and Wendy and Ron asked if I'd like to observe ...